
Dates & Policies of Bodwell’s University Summer Program


Fee Schedule of Program Options

BHS Program

Location: Bodwell High School (BHS)

2 Weeks July 2 – July 19 $4,550
2 Weeks July 20 – August 2 $4,550
3 Weeks July 6 – July 26 $5,750
4 Weeks July 6 – August 2 $6,950
4 Weeks Plus (Overnight Trips) July 6 – August 2 $7,550

Group Pricing

Location: Bodwell High School (BHS)

5-9 Students 10-14 Students 15+ Students




Application + Registration Fee Deadline

May 31, 2025

Final Fees Due

JUNE 15, 2025

Program Fees Include:

  • Follow the schedules and programs arranged by Bodwell College.
  • Registration Fee of $200 (non-refundable)
  • Custodianship Letter (as applicable)
  • Meals (3 per day)
  • Medical Insurance (for the program duration)
  • Transportation (airport transfers both ways, to all outings)
  • English Classes, Activities, Events & Outings
  • Report Card, Certificate of Completion, Program T-Shirt

* Additional days will be charged at $200 per day, if available. Includes additional outing.


A $200 non-refundable registration fee is included in all program fees and will be deducted before any refunds are issued. All cancellations require written notice submitted to Bodwell as per the schedule below. No fees will be refunded after June 30.

Cancel by June 15:
75% Refund

Cancel by June 30:
50% Refund

Applicants Requiring a Visa: In order to be eligible for a refund for a declined or delayed visa, a rejection letter from the applicable Visa Office for declined visas or written notice that a visa has not yet been received for delayed visas, must be submitted to Bodwell. All refunds for declined or delayed visa cancellations received on and within 14 days of the program start date are subject to a $300 administration fee surcharge in addition to the $200 non-refundable registration fee.

Program Changes

Requests to change programs on and within 14 days of the initial program start date are subject to a $200 administration fee surcharge in addition to the difference in program fees for the new program. Payment must be made 24 hours of an approved change.

Program Fees Exclude:

  • Cash Damage Deposit of $200 (refundable)*
  • Flight to / from Vancouver
  • Unaccompanied Minor Service Fee (if applicable)
  • Personal Spending Money

* Collected upon arrival to the program and returned upon departure if no damage has occurred.

Payment Options

US funds are accepted at the daily exchange rate on the date of payment. Please ensure that the student’s full name is clearly indicated on the payment. The following payment options are available:


Bodwell College
Account No.: 108-750-1
ABA No.: 021-000021
Swift Code: ROYCCAT2
Bank No.: 003
Transit No.: 04000


Royal Bank of Canada
1789 Lonsdale Ave
North Vancouver, BC Canada V7M 2J6

Cheque or Bank Draft Payable to:
Bodwell College

Mailed to:
Bodwell’s University Summer Programs
955 Harbourside Drive, North Vancouver, BC Canada V7P 3S4

Credit Card: An additional 3.5% bank charge is applicable for credit card payments. Visa or MasterCard accepted. Cash or Travellers Cheque.  These payments must be personally delivered to Bodwell’s University Summer Programs.

* Please inform the bank that Bodwell should receive the full invoiced amount after deduction of the bank fee. Therefore, bank fees are to be added on top of the invoice total.

Day Program

Participation from Monday to Thursday (9:00am – 3:30pm) and Friday (9:00am – 12:00pm). Program fee includes all items (see Fees tab) except accommodation, transportation, outings and events Lunch only included Monday to Thursday. Please contact us for more details on this program.

Rules & Regulations

  • Follow the schedules and programs arranged by Bodwell College. Permission to be absent will be granted by Bodwell in the event of sickness, injury or acceptable personal matters.
  • Boys are not allowed to be in the girls’ residences and girls are not allowed to be in boys’ residences. Students can meet in supervised communal areas only.
  • Follow the bed times for your age group: Children: 10:00pm, Teens: 10:30pm and obey the quiet hours at night from 9:00pm to 8:00am.
  • Clean up after yourself at all times when using bathrooms, student lounges, the cafeteria, and the computer lab, etc.
  • Be on time to meet with your teacher and counselor at the meeting poles with the times that have been assigned. Your teacher and counselor must know where you are at all times.
  • Illegal substances, smoking, alcohol, gambling and weapons are not permitted in any circumstances.
  • Any act or behaviour that jeopardizes the safety and well-being of other students or staff, will not be tolerated.
  • Physical and verbal bullying is hurtful, and can prevent a student from enjoying the program. Any bullying will be addressed and stopped immediately.
  • Mean, hurtful, or threatening comments or gestures directed at other students, teachers or staff will not tolerated.
  • Any public display of affection between students must be keep appropriate and at a minimum at all times.
  • Upon arrival, a $200 damage deposit will be submitted to Bodwell (unless previously provided). This deposit will be returned at the end of the program if there is no intentional damage to the facilities, no lost keys and no outstanding fees.
  • In Canada, it is illegal to pull the fire alarm in non-emergency situations. If you pull a fire alarm as a mischievous act and in non-emergency situations you will forfeit your $200 damage deposit.

Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions. We have answers.


Can children under the age of 14 travel alone to Vancouver?

Parents or guardians need to notify the airline if their child is under 14 and will be travelling alone. Please let the airline know that an unaccompanied minor will need supervision for their travel to and from Vancouver. The airline will arrange for an attendant to help the child through customs and with boarding. When arranging for this special service, the airline also needs to be informed that a Bodwell representative will be picking up the child from the Vancouver International Airport. An unaccompanied minor service fee will apply through the airline for both ways and should be paid for in advance of coming to Vancouver.

How will parents know that their children have arrived safely?

Bodwell will notify parents via email on the day their child arrived safely in Vancouver. Emails to receive the confirmation must be completed on the Flight Information Form.

How much money should students bring?

If students are not planning to make large purchases, $50-$75 CAD per week should be sufficient for spending money. Additional cash for emergencies should also be brought. Bodwell recommends that students bring most of their funds in the form of insured traveler’s cheques, with only a small amount of cash. Specified times are available for students to cash traveler’s cheques and withdraw a portion of the cash that they can choose upon check-in to be kept safe by Bodwell.

Who will meet the students at the Vancouver International Airport?

At the Vancouver International Airport, a Bodwell representative will be waiting at Arrivals. They will be wearing Bodwell’s official t-shirt and holding a large Bodwell sign. Students will be escorted directly to the University of British Columbia where they will check-in and meet their counsellor.

How will students keep their money and valuables safe?

Students are advised not to bring unnecessary valuables, such as expensive watches or jewelry, to the program. A locked safe in the Bodwell office is available for students to keep valuables if required. Such valuables will only be available for use a few times per week at set times. It is constantly advised to students that they lock their dorm door at all times. Bodwell College will not be responsible for lost or stolen items during the students’ participation in the program.

Who keeps the student’s airline ticket and passport?

Upon arrival, students should submit their ticket and passport to Bodwell’s office staff, or to their accompanying chaperone who will be staying in the residences. If these documents are not submitted to Bodwell upon arrival, the loss or misplacement of these documents will be the student’s and parent’s responsibility.


How is security organized in the dormitories?

Only authorized personnel and students are given keys to the dormitories. Students are assigned Counsellors who stay in the same dormitory area as their students. In addition, there is a Dormitory Manager who is on duty in the evenings and on weekends in the event of an emergency and to assist with other issues. Security Guards patrol the university grounds at night.

Can students choose their type of dormitory room?

The dormitory room assignments are arranged by several factors including gender, age category and mixed nationalities. Furthermore, Counselors require a room nearby their student group. As such, students will not be able to submit requests for room selections or allocations; Bodwell is unable to accommodate these requests.

What personal living items will be provided for students by Bodwell?

Bodwell will provide students with bedding for their dormitory room that will be cleaned regularly. All students are expected to bring their own towels and toiletries for the program. In the event that an item is lost or forgotten, Counselors can help students purchase such an item on one of their off-campus outings.

Where do the students eat and where can they buy food?

Students are provided three meals usually from a Bodwell cafeteria and an evening snack every day. Packed lunches or dinners will be provided on some outings. There are also BBQs and special dinners provided as part of the program itineraries. If students wish to purchase snacks outside of meals times, there are stores, restaurants and vending machines near each program residence location. Students are not permitted to visit these locations without the supervision of their Counselor.

How do students do their laundry?

Counsellors are provided with laundry cards that operate the machines in the dormitories. Students will be provided with laundry detergent and assisted by their Counsellors in doing their laundry on a regular basis.


How can parents contact their child during the program?

Parents can login to the Parent Database online and leave a message for their child. A secondary option is to call the Bodwell office and leave a message. Staff will deliver the message to the student during a break period in the program.

How can students call home?

Students may use one of the phones available in the Student Lounges or a pay phone on campus. A long-distance calling card is required for students to call home and these cards can be purchased from Bodwell for $6 CAD. Counselors will help their students call home during free time, primarily in the evenings after returning from their outing.

What if a friend or relative wants to visit and/or take students off-campus?

Parents or guardians need to fill out the Parental Consent Form to authorize friends or relatives who would like to visit and take students off-campus for personal outings. Advance notice must be provided of a student leaving. Students need to check-out/in at the Bodwell office on their departure and return.

What happens if a student becomes ill or gets hurt?

Bodwell arranges medical insurance coverage for all students for the duration of their program. In the case of sickness, accident, injury or emergency, Bodwell staff will accompany the student to receive medical attention. There is a hospital nearby all program locations.


Got questions? Dont’s hesitate to write us back. We are here to help!